Another milestone achieved

If you have been reading my blog, you might be aware that I have PhD Completion Seminar coming. Well… I did it! YAYYYYY!

Apologies the photos are not really clear…low lighting and taken using an Iphone.

The seminar was on Tuesday, 27th May 2014. I spent a lot of time preparing for my presentation and had lots of sleepless nights too. It was a 45 minutes-ish talk. It seemed like a long talk but it went pass really quickly. I had a very weird and indescribable feeling when I finished my talk. I thought I would be over the moon and super happy but I got quite emotional and somehow a little sad at the end. I felt a little sad because it is coming to an end…My three years of work is finishing soon…I had flashback of both good and bad memories during that 45 mins – what a three years journey I have been!

Anyway, I am glad it is moving forward and one step closer to completion! I had very good feedback and comments from all committee members including my supervisors 🙂 They enjoyed the presentation and were happy to see how well things were wrapped up. Thank God! This is only possible through God’s grace and from His strength.

Now I am left with the final and biggest mission – thesis submission! Bring it on! 😀

I will keep on fighting and will be working hard trying to write as much as I can. Hopefully, I can submit soon and once again only through His grace 🙂


8 thoughts on “Another milestone achieved

  • Congratulation for finishing your PhD Completion Seminar. A big weight is lifted from your shoulders and you can focus now on your thesis submission and graduation. We will call you soon Dr. Tan 🙂 but keep posting your journey and shooting beautiful photos.

    • Thanks so much Erwin for your kind comments! You have got a very nice website too! I have already subscribed and hoping to see more photos from you. Yes, from now is writing all the way! *fingers crossed* Hopefully I can submit and graduate! 🙂 Yes, will definitely keep on doing that! Photography is one of my passions! Stay tuned for more posts! 🙂

      • Thank you for visiting my website. I’m glad you like it. I’m just now preparing some new photos I will post hopefully soon. I’m sure you will graduate. If it’s your goal and you work hard for it, you achieve. Stay focused. 🙂 I wish you all the best.

      • Thanks so much for the well wishes! 🙂 Yes, of course, I will stay tuned to your posts. I would love to make some comments on your website but can’t seem to be able to do it. Is that only for VIP members?

      • Hi Suryani,
        You are very welcome. Na na, it’s not VIP. In the VIP area I have only some photos from parties. I like to have a bit control who has access to it and protect our friends as well. But feel free to apply, there is no problem to grant access to you. On the homepage I have disabled comments to keep it clean and the pages Europe and Australia are linking direct into the thumbnails or slideshows. This I have transferred from an older site before I used WordPress and never changed.:) I think I will put it into the bucket list and soon redesign it. Manage and upload a lot of photos as a slideshow is very easy with Adobe Lightroom with the disadvantage that there are no possibilities for comments.  I was never a big blogger and discovered blogging only lately through blogging 201, and guess I will never be a writer (language) but think it’s great to share and connect with other people.
        You have maybe already discovered that I’m wiggling between photos and videos. Sometimes on trips I take videos, sometimes photos but till now I could never manage to do both, even if it’s only a switch. I like doing videos but it is a hell a lot of work and there are hours of footage waiting to be edited or finished. Feel free to brows trough, but don’t get lost, you have still a lot of writing to do. 

      • Ahh I see…Oh thanks! I would love to apply for it – will do that soon 🙂 I totally understand – I am not a big blogger myself…blogging is not easy, it’s like I am trying to be informative but not too public at the same time. Also, topic has to be interesting and engaging so that people would want to visit and read about it. Yeah, not easy. I am still learning myself and trying to get more viewers. Ah yes, I noticed that – you have many photos and videos at the same time! All are interesting! Photos and videos tell stories in a different way. Some story, photos are better whereas others, videos are great! So it’s good to see both in your website! Yes it is nice to browse through and also as a break for me from writing 🙂

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